www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

Benefits of Lemon Water, According to Experts

www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial: What’s the special thing about lemon water? Perhaps you’ve heard that it’s great to drink, however are not sure if there’s something to it. Perhaps you take a glass of lemon water and are curious if it’s offering any sort of health boost. The simple answer is yes “Lemons, being citrus fruits, have a high amount of vitamin C,” According to Melissa Ann Prest, D.C.N., M.S., R.D.N., a board-certified expert on renal nutrition. “Drinking water with one 1 ounce of lemon juice will give you around 13 percent of the daily requirement for vitamin C. Also, it has tiny amounts of potassium, vitamin B6, thiamin as well as folate.”

Of course, a large part of the benefits of drinking lemon water is that it keeps you well-hydrated, which is vital for your overall well-being. Therefore, “if consuming more water flavored with lemon juice helps you meet your daily fluid goals, then it is a great habit,” Prest clarifies. Anything that can encourage you to drink more water is beneficial according to Prest: “Try adding in limes and lemons, mint and cucumber, or berries to enhance the flavor of water and encourage positive drinking habits.”

For the fanciful health benefits associated with drinking water made of lemon, specifically certain ones don’t actually have research behind them, while some are real, says Laura Neville, N.D. Naturopathic physician who is who is based within Portland, OR. Let’s explore the possible advantages of drinking a refreshing glass of lemon water as well as other ways to enjoy the tart flavor from that bright yellow burst of vitamin C.

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Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water1. It can help you control your appetite.

1. Lemon water can prevent spikes in hunger

Thanks to its blood-sugar-balancing pectin (a type of soluble fiber) and hydrating mojo, says Neville. If you’re still hungry after eating make a mixture of 1 cup chilled water along with the juice of a 1/2 lemon, and sprinkle with a bit of citrus zest (feel free to drizzle on a bit in honey).

2. It boosts your energy

Two kinds of vitamins provide lemons the power to boost your mood. Vitamin C improves the iron absorption which is helpful, as being deficient in iron can lead to fatigue. Vitamin B found in lemons can help in the production of energy according to Neville. Try mixing one slice of lemon (including the peel; add some water if you need) and then chill in an Ice cube tray. Mix it into water to refresh yourself or in a smoothie packed with iron-rich Kale.

3. It helps protect your cells

The juice of lemons and the fruit boast the highest levels of vitamin C. only one ounce supplying around 13 percent of your daily requirements as per Prest. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is potent, counteracting the damage to cells that builds up over time. It could cause conditions like cancer and heart disease. “It is known from large population-based studies that diets high in fruits and vegetables are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer, and with increased longevity,” states Prest. “Consuming lemon water that contains vitamin C, potassium, and B vitamins as part of a diet rich in other fruits and vegetables can be useful for disease prevention.”

4. It aids in maintaining clear skin

Lemon water can aid in your quest to have clear skin due to the Vitamin C. Prest explains that Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant that can aid in the reduction of wrinkles and enhance the look of your skin. But it’s not a magical solution “Don’t just rely on lemon water for your skin,” Prest states. “Consuming fruits, and vegetables high in vitamin C like potatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, and citrus fruits in addition to wearing sunscreen will help to fight damage from free radicals that affect the skin’s appearance.”

5. It helps to prevent bloating.

Lemon water could aid digestion and reduce the bloat. Drinking plenty of the water of lemons “can help with bowel motility and regularity so you are less bloated,” Prest clarifies. It is also good source of potassium which is a mineral that can help maintain sodium levels which could reduce any salt-related gastric bloating.

6. It can aid in weight loss.

Research has shown that drinking enough water is an essential element to any successful weight-loss plan because of a myriad of reasons that are connected to optimum body functioning. High levels of hydration help improve metabolism, increase the benefits of exercise and enable the brain to better react to hunger cues. Begin your day with an entire eight ounce glass of lemon water in order to you meet your daily hydration targets.

7. It can help kick kidney stones away.

Research has shown that lemon can reduce the chance of developing kidney stones because it helps in “preventing stone formation due to increased citrate concentration which inhibits the crystallization of calcium which is responsible for stone formation,” Prest clarifies. It is generally recommended to stay hydrated by drinking between three and four daily liters of water (1 gallon) is recommended to avoid kidney stones for those who are at the risk of developing them, Prest continues. “A gallon of plain water may get boring, so adding lemon can be refreshing, provide an increase in citrate, and help someone achieve their fluid goals.”

Are there any adverse negative effects from drinking lemon water?

In the majority of cases will not experience any adverse consequences from drinking lemon water However, for a few people consumption, excessive quantities could cause issues cause some problems, according to Keri Gans M.S., R.D. and creator of The Small Change Diet. “For example, the acidity from lemons may cause heartburn, reflux, canker sores or mouth ulcers.” There’s also the possibility of tooth enamel erosion or decay if consumed in large amounts she says.

How do you make lemon water?

Lemon water preparation is easy and simple, says Gans. “Squeeze around a half of a lemon into 8 ounces of water and you have lemon water!” Based on the amount of “lemony” you like your beverage, you can add more lemons or more water depending on your taste.

If you feel that your lemon water bland or lacking in flavor, there are alternatives you can consider. “Other fruits and veggies, such as strawberries, watermelon, lime and cucumber are nice additions, or herbs and spices, like mint, basil, or ginger,” recommends Gans. The key is that you drink more fluids and remain hydrated, says Gans and you can add anything you love to your water, and it makes you want to have an refill.

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